Final Event and Exhibition Opening from 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM, Palazzo alle Zattere
In its second year, the educational project The Giants of the Lagoon, which began in 2023 as part of WaterLANDS (GA 101036484), has expanded. It now involves 13 classes from 3 middle schools in the Venetian area, totaling more than 300 children who have been engaged in various project-related activities throughout the school year.

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM: Students will present their research on the program and the project’s milestones to visitors.
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM: General presentation of the project with speeches from representatives of the participating schools.
Throughout the afternoon, a serigraphy workshop will be available, where participants can print lagoon-themed illustrations on fabric or paper items brought from home.

The exhibition, showcasing original materials created and collected throughout the educational project, including drawings, photographs, soil chromatographic analyses, maps, and illustrations, will be open to the public until the 7th of June, from Wednesday to Sunday, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.